Abstract Guidelines

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Abstract Submission Guidelines
  • 9 Short talks 10 minutes each
  • 16 Flash talk 3 minutes each
  • More than 100 posters in 3 separate poster sessions
  • Abstract submission is necessary for the Poster/Short-talk/Flash-talk presenters.
  • Please register yourself and create an account for the submission process.
  • Use your contact e-mail id and password to sign-in to the abstract submission portal.
  • Please fill the “Delegate profile” page first and then “Proceed to abstract” submission page.
  • Abstracts submission via other modes such as e-mail or any offline mode is not allowed.
  • Research works fall within the nine thematic area (see below) of the conference are welcome to submit the abstract under a particular theme. We encourage to present your unpublished or recently published data.
    1. Ubiquitin signalling
    2. Ubiquitin signalling Ubiquitination, Deubiquitination & Ub-like modifications
    3. Proteostasis & protein degradation pathways
    4. Structure & function of UPS
    5. UPS role in Human health & diseases
    6. UPS in cancer & neurodegeneration
    7. Autophagy/ Mitophagy & ERAD pathways
    8. Unfolded Protein Responses & ER stress
    9. Big Data Analytics in Proteomics & Proteostasis
    10. Protein Biomarkers & Therapeutic Targets
    11. PROTACs & Drug discovery in UPS
    12. Synthetic biology & Protein Engineering
  • While submitting you should indicate the presentation preference (Poster/Short-talk/Flash-talk) on portal.
  • Please upload your abstract in the attached sample format in MS-word file only (otherwise your abstract may get eliminated). [Click here to download the template]
  • The submissions open on 25th August 2024 onwards.
  • The submissions shall close on the midnight of 10th January 2025.
  • Abstract acceptance for Poster/Short-talk/Flash-talk shall be notified within a week of the abstract submission to the submitter via an e-mail.
  • The scientific committee reserves the right to accept / reject / assign presentation type to the abstract.
  • Notification regarding acceptance of the submission along with the guidelines for presentation will be sent to the registered e-mail ID.
  • All confirmed presenters would be required to pay the registration fees as soon as possible upon confirmation of their abstract submission, to avoid cancellation of the submission. However, the original submitter can participate without any presentation by registering on or before 10th January 2025 as non-presenter participants.
  • Please contact Conference Secretariat at proups25@srmist.edu.in for required assistance.
  • Travel Grant Guidelines
    1. The candidate should have already submitted an abstract and/or registered for the conference.
    2. The candidate should send a letter of support from his/her current supervisor, a letter of interest and the current CV to the email ID proups25@srmist.edu.in on or before 31 December 2024.
    3. Travel grants would be offered to selective PhD/Post-doc registrants.
    4. Three selected candidates will be awarded with a sum of ₹5000 cash each
    5. The selection would be based on the committee members' final decision.
  • Young Investigator Award (YIA) Guidelines
    1. The candidate should have already submitted an abstract and/or registered for the conference
    2. The candidate should have a PhD degree awarded not before 2018.
    3. The candidate should be currently involved in active research in India or abroad.
    4. The candidate should send a letter of support from his/her previous supervisor, a letter of interest and the current CV to the email ID proups25@srmist.edu.in on or before 30 November 2024.
    5. The selection would be based on the committee members' final decision.
    6. The selected candidate will be awarded with cash prize, an opportunity for a short talk in YIA category.